About Us
Virtual Tour
Quick Facts
Grade Distribution: Grade 5 to Grade 8
Student Enrolment: 159
Our Parish
St. Mary's Parish
51 Venison Street West, Tillsonburg, ON, N4G 1V1
About Our School
Monsignor J. H. O’Neil School opened its doors in September 1978. This school was named after Rev. Father Joseph Hilary O’Neil, who was appointed to St. Mary’s Church, Tillsonburg in 1926. The school is situated on the outskirts of Tillsonburg. Monsignor O’Neil consists of 7 classrooms, a library, gymnasium with a full stage, an office, staff room, teacher’s workroom, a special education room, supply room, and 3 portables.
The park-like yard of over 2 acres is equipped with a soccer field, a baseball diamond, several basketball courts, 2 beach volleyball pits, a playground structure, and numerous pieces of climbing apparatus which the students enjoy throughout the year.
- Six Grade 5 to 8 classrooms
- A french classroom
- A library – recently renovated (16 computers, new furniture, new chairs, fireplace bookcase, etc.)
- A gymnasium with a full classroom-size stage, change rooms and gym equipment room, theatre-size screen
- An office located at the main entrance to the building
- A staffroom
- A teacher’s workroom (also contains health room)
- A special education room
- An art supply room
- Two snack area rooms (equipped with fridges, stove, sinks, commercial toaster, popcorn popper, etc.)
- A custodial room
- A custodial supply room
- A french office/teacher computer work area
- An E.A. work room/meeting room
- A special needs/staff washroom with shower, AV/supply room
Living Our Faith
- Monthly school-wide paraliturgy and awards assemblies
- Classroom liturgies
- Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation (grade 8 each year)
- Regular Masses celebrated at the Church and at the school
- Benedictions, Stations of the Cross and/or Holy Hours at the Church
- A vibrant after school and/or weekend youth program run by the parish
- Masses marking key celebrations in the school and Church calendar years (opening of school, Christmas Family Advent Mass, End of School Year, etc.)
- Various faith based activities with the Knights of Columbus and the CWL youth programs (includes Squires, Catholic Girls Club, etc.)
- Monsignor O’Neil supports many charitable endeavours including:
- Terry Fox Run and United Way (September)
- Knights’ of Columbus Food Drive (December)
- Lent and Holy Childhood Missions (February and March)
- Various other charitable events as they arise throughout year